
Ljubljana, Slovenia, Fall 2023

I’m Tracy and I’m a budget traveler. I’ve traveled to over 30 countries and four continents (so far) and can’t wait to visit more!

Join me as I document my travels across the globe!

And be sure to follow me on Instagram- @travelingtracy1

What’s Next?

Singapore & Bali, Indonesia

Tomorrow, May 28, 2024, we are heading off to Singapore and Bali for three weeks. We’re traveling with my 88 year old mom! She’s a dedicated traveler and has been all over the world.

We fly direct from Seattle to Singapore and spend 3 nights. Then, we’re off to Bali, starting in Ubud, then to Amed, and lastly to Nusa Dua.

Oaxaca, Mexico

We spent 2 weeks in Oaxaca, Mexico, this past December 2023 – and enjoyed every minute of it. I never did post about our time there because …

As life sometimes goes, we had to cut our time in Oaxaca short and head home to help with an elderly parent that was hospitalized. That’s never fun, but she’s rallied and we’re glad we were there for her and our family.

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There’s plenty more travel adventures in my archives, including our recent trip to Istanbul, Greece, Albania, Montenegro, Croatia, and Slovenia in the fall of 2023.

I hope you’ll also check out our other travels to Turkey, Vietnam, Morocco, Mexico, Portugal, Cambodia, and Thailand, to name a few.

About Me

I live north of Seattle, Washington, USA, on just over an acre with my husband, Steve. We’ve been happily married for 38 years and have two boys who are all grown up (or should I say men).

We retired in 2019 with international travel as our number one priority. We kick-started our travels in Fall 2019 with a six month trip through SE Asia, which was unfortunately cut short by Covid-19 in March 2020, landing us back home for close to two years.

But we’ve been back at it since March 2022, and, barring any global hurdles, plan to travel, travel, travel. Well, as much as possible, anyway. Bon Voyage!